Gob Blog has been created by new media students, Andrew, Brad and Courtney with the purpose of opening your minds to the possibilities and implications of the new media. The new media mediums discussed on this blog are: Social Networks (Andrew), Multimedia (Brad) and Downloading (Courtney). We hope you enjoy exploring our blog and please feel free to leave a comment and have your say too...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Issue of Social Networks

The introduction of social networks has indeed revolutionized the world we live in today. It has changed our lifestyles completely and obviously created an impact on our generation. A huge debate has been brewing over the idea of fractured identities through these social networks.
It is fare to say that social networks have changed the way we communicate to each other forever. Through this, the internet has brought its very own cyber world, where we are able to create our perspectives of ourselves. One can easily say that we have the ability to create our own identity in this cyber world, be it false or not.
This begs the question of what is reality. One can see it as being able to jump through these parallel worlds, from actual reality to virtual reality. The thing is, which world do you prefer to occupy your time? We sit at our computer for hours on end chatting to people who we assume we know through what we read from them but in actual reality they are far from this assumption.
I guess it’s how you want to perceive yourself in these two worlds. If you want to make yourself true to your true identity in real life or you choose otherwise and create a whole new you.
It’s obvious that things like facebook and my space has impacted on our lives forever. Stories I’ve heard of people committing suicide over a concept of “cyber bullying” where a girl killed herself over girl from her school pretending to be a guy, led her on then ridiculed her to the point she killed herself. Virtual reality is serious and should be treated that way. It’s has to be taken seriously as it seems to be starting to take control over our live rather than us taking control over it.
To learn more go to the link stopcyberbullying.org.


Nina Hlalo said...

Social networks have grown extensively due to the sudden boom in technology. This has resulted in people hiding behind social networks and creating identities that they really aren't. By doing so one can pose the question of whether or not they are communicating with the person that that particular person is talking to.

All of this social networking is opening up gates for people to be violated by others that are being malicious. Like the example that is given in the post above of the girl who was ridiculed and then at a later stage killed herself because of the embarassment caused.

To be frank with you guys, social networks at times present a certain level of falsehood in to be honest who really has honest conversations in social networks?

bruce grobler said...

I blame parents for allowing their kids to become so invloved online that their very identity is based upon who they are online..
fools your asking for your kids to be screwed around and bullied

bruce grobler said...

sitI blame parents for allowing their kids to become so invloved online that their very identity is based upon who they are online..
fools your asking for your kids to be screwed around and bullied

Anonymous said...

it is both good and bad that in social neworks it is possible to fake your identity, you can fake you gender your names, occupation and so on. But some people find real friends, even love. Ntombizani Mbutho

Darshan Rangai said...

the whole idea of social networking is a problem as it seems to take up more of a childs time than anything else the only attention they pay is to the cellphone or the computer. identities are starting to be based more on what they write than on physicaly communicating with another individual. also what si very common is that many individuals lose the ability to interact with others and become anti-social