Gob Blog has been created by new media students, Andrew, Brad and Courtney with the purpose of opening your minds to the possibilities and implications of the new media. The new media mediums discussed on this blog are: Social Networks (Andrew), Multimedia (Brad) and Downloading (Courtney). We hope you enjoy exploring our blog and please feel free to leave a comment and have your say too...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

iRate iPods..

Music…the first thing that comes to mind is radio. The first technology ever used to listen to music with was record players. These were big, bulky pieces of furniture which seemed ingenious at the time. These large record players used big records which played only tunes, no singing was heard. The invention of radio and cassette tape players and CD players and walkmans and disc mans followed. These forms of multimedia were very practical and disc mans became used by all scholars who wanted to listen to music at break or on buses when they went on outings. These inventions were very impressive until iPods were invented. IPods added a whole new dimension to the music industry. Music could now be downloaded straight from the internet within minutes. The music was then transferred to the iPod and it could be listened to. Another bonus was that the iPods were fully portable and now come in sizes as small as a chappie bubblegum (as seen in the picture on the left). IPods are now used by almost every single runner, walker, gym-bunny, and student and so on. They have become more like a fashion accessory which people don’t go anywhere without. The latest music at the touch of a button…now that’s technology.

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