Flickr is an online photo management and sharing application. It seems, to me, that this is an unknown entity to the bulk of the South African public. This is a shame as I found the site to be an extremely useful tool while exploring it.
Flickr is a basic way to get photos and videos to friends, family or people that matter around the world. I felt this beneficial to me, as was able to look up my friends and family around the world and gain better feeling of what they experiencing. Also it made me show them what I’m up to as well. One is easily able to create one’s own free account and start creating one’s own sets of albums to put on show.
The flickr website also has a link showing newcomers how flickr works and how to operate the application making life a lot easier if you have just created an account.
There are different ways to upload photos onto your account. The first is by using Flickr very own uploader, like Facebook, there is a link allowing you to upload photos saved on your hardrives. One can also upload via email or through iPhoto, Aperture, or Windows XP plugins.
One is able to also group your photos into sets and collections using ‘the organizr.’ A set is grouping photos and videos around a certain theme. Collections are grouping sets together into bigger themes.
You then can share these photos with other by creating groups. These groups have privacy settings meaning that you can, if you want, just show your images to the people you want to by putting them in a group.
The map application allows you to drag a photo on the destination it was taken allowing people to see where you were at that time.
With these photos, one can then create a host of tings such as; prints, calling cards, photo-books, slideshow-DVDs, postage stamps, and much more.
You are able to then keep in touch and add more contacts by finding them through other contacts.