Gob Blog has been created by new media students, Andrew, Brad and Courtney with the purpose of opening your minds to the possibilities and implications of the new media. The new media mediums discussed on this blog are: Social Networks (Andrew), Multimedia (Brad) and Downloading (Courtney). We hope you enjoy exploring our blog and please feel free to leave a comment and have your say too...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Downloading – Music, Movies and More!!!

Downloading is nothing new in the realm of the internet and new media! If I hear a song on the radio and decide I want to have it for myself – no problem, all I have to do is go to a relevant site on the web and download it! It doesn’t stop here though…people nowadays are downloading anything from movies to software. Not all of these websites that offer you this opportunity allow for such an act for free (although there are many that do), but nevertheless the option is there for you and for anyone at the click of a button. Gone are the days where you have to step out of the house to purchase a whole album just because you like one song on it. I personally am still discovering these different sites but have found that if you just Google ‘free mp3’ numerous options come up and though many of them say they are legal (I’m not so sure how legal they are) I’ll take their word for it and download it! It seems to me that downloading, whether free or not, has become a norm, something that everyone does. How conscious we are of it and its effects, however, remains in question!


Faye Hicks said...

Downloading is great! The songs are easy to access and if I hear one I enjoy on the radio or see one MTV I can easily just download it and enjoy it anytime I want. And because it was so easily accessible and free, it doesnt matter when it goes out of fashion, I can just as easily download the next cool song!
Although not always legal, well mostly never legal. Downloading is a great way to quickly and easily access music and any other movies or software you may want or like.

adhir bhika said...

downloading music of the net is the greatest thing ever if you like alternative music which is usually difficult to find in main stream music stores. with just afew clicks of your mouse you are able to find the band that you are looking for.